The Laughing House

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What's Your Story?

The pastor this morning was incredible. He talked about
1. Accepting the Call
2. Telling Your Story
3. Changing The World

Wouldn't it be great if we all accepted the call. The call is simply, "Come to Him..."It's not a call to missions necessarily or to be a preacher, it's simply telling your story where you are, in the world in which you have been placed. Homemakers tell in the homes, teachers tell in the schools, business men tell in the businesses, bankers tell in the banks, doctors tell in the hospitals... If we each tell our story where we are then the whole world would know how great God is!

What is it that keeps us from telling?
I'm not outgoing?
I'm too ugly?
I would say it all wrong?

I think the honest problem is that we don't know what to say. What is our story?

Here's the 1st chapter of the story...
1. We are never going to die. We are not going to hell. When I die, I'll be walking on streets of gold in the presence of Jesus himself! It doesn't get better than that.

2. We are alive and breathing in this great country simply by the grace of God.
What kept me from being born in Iraq? Only God!
Who determined that I would live today? God

That is enough to make our story great, but we hear so many incredible stories on the news, radio, from friends-we want bigger, better stories! That is just it. God may come to us in big huge ways but for the majority of us
...It is the answer of a simple prayer that noone else may know about.
...It's the way He provides when noone else knows we were in need.
...It's the confidence that comes in a normally terrifying situation, and we think, "Where did that come from?"
...It's the strength to do something you know you couldn't have done.
...It's the small voice that says, "Go ahead. Do it." You do it and it all works out, and you think WOW!

To you it is the biggest thing ever, but in the eyes of others we think it would seem so small.

The amazing part is that the majority of people need those little things. Most people aren't looking for a giant miracle, they are desperately seeking healing in a marriage, help with depression, answers for raising their kids, friends to confide in, the confidence, the strength, the still small voice.

So, tell somebody. Tell them what God has done for you. Even if it seems small, we never know who needs a small piece of our story and that small piece of Him can be what changes a huge world.


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