The Laughing House

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Who's Gonna Be Around in 100 Years?

What about this week will you remember next week - what you wore, who you talked to, what ticked you off? What about today will you recall tomorrow- the weather, a phone conversation, a funny story? If you are like me, I’m lucky to remember my cell phone number right now.

Our family was playing cards this week. My brilliant and extremely competitive husband thought I cheated. I have on occasions been known to cheat, but this time I assure you I did not. Unfortunately, he did not believe me. I unwaveringly held to the truth. He resolutely held to his guns. After an intense stand-off, I said, “Who is going to remember 100 years from now anyway?” We were discussing the question, when our son said, “Well, no one is really going to remember 100 years from now except God and that’s all that really matters.” Have you experienced one of those moments when your ten-year old child made you feel like you were two? Bingo, that’s exactly how I felt!

It’s such a life-changing question and what a stimulating answer. In the middle of an argument, when someone cuts me off in traffic, if my child spills spaghetti noodles all over the kitchen floor (happened today), or my husband accuses me of cheating at cards, I have to ask myself, “Will it matter 100 years from now?” In other words, is this worth investing emotional energy, time, and detrimental negative words? Remember, God is the only one who will be around 100 years from now anyway. Choose to do what pleases him, because “that is all that really matters.”

Today, when stumped with a challenge that is of little value or worth, stop and ask the life-changing question, “Will it matter 100 years from now?”

“Live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way.” Colossians 1:10