The Laughing House

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Raining Nuggets

Have you ever been to a psychologist? What about a counselor?
I remember when my girlfriend started seeing a psychologist. When she got home, we sat on the front porch and discussed the fascinating advice she received. One day she had to picture herself paddling downstream. When life got rough, she was to visually whip the boat around, and head in the right direction. Another day the doctor interpreted her dreams. She wrote her dreams the moment she awoke each morning. According to the doctor this is the best way to remember your dreams.

We had fun that season of psychologist “mumbo jumbo” choosing the boats we paddled and sorting through our outlandish dreams. Have you ever been in a similar season sorting through life trying to figure out the “mumbo jumbo” of the whirlwind surrounding you? How do you sort through the chaos? Notice the nuggets.

This summer has been a similar season for me. For part of my classwork, I was assigned to meet with a mentor for 1 hour each week. I feel like my friend sitting in the psychologist office. The greatest part about each session, though, is “the nugget.” Not chicken nuggets, nor Denver Nuggets, but nuggets of wisdom. I always walk away with at least one remarkable piece of wisdom. I immediately write it down and put it into practice.

There are nuggets everywhere. Start looking! You will see them on billboards; hear them in a song or advice from a friend or maybe at the psychologist’s office. If you’ll notice, it’s raining nuggets! God is pouring out his wisdom to guide you through the confusion. Start sorting through the chaos of your life, by noticing nuggets. Write them down and put them into practice.

(Favorite nugget of mine: Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.)