The Laughing House

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lookin' to Make Life Better?

My mom and I were at Chipoltes having lunch one day. We were having one of those conversations that ends with, "If someone would ask us to solve all the problems of the world, we could."
We took a napkin and wrote all of our ideas on paper. We came up with 50 ways to live to make the world and your life better. I took the napkins home and put them in a safe place so I wouldn't loose them. There has been one problem. I hid them so well, I have not been able to find them. Tonight I was cleaning out a cabinet, and found them! I was so excited! Here are a few of our ingenious yet easy, simple ideas!

1. Enjoy life. Don’t sweat the small stuff. None of it matters.
2. Bloom where you are planted. If you wind up in Po-Dunkville, make the most of it. If you are one of the rich and famous, be the most you can be. Wherever you are, grow, get watered, dig deep in the soil, and be the most beautiful flower you can.
3. Be thankful. Make it a habit to say thank you to everyone. When you wake up and when you go to bed, thank God for 5 things.
4. Be a giver not a taker. Not just in materialism, but in love, laughter, memories, wisdom. Give away everything God has given you – joy, encouragement, fun.
5. When the bottom falls out, don’t give up. Life is not a fairytale. If your bottom hasn’t fallen out, it will. When it does, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Be thankful. Know God is doing something great. Cling to the thought that it will pass.
6. Nobody cares, so be yourself. Be who you want to be. Everyone else is so busy worrying about what everyone else is thinking about them that they don’t have time to worry about what you are doing, so be who you want to be. The people you are with now, except family, you probably won’t talk to in 10 years anyways. So, be who God created you to be.
7. Forgive others. In the little things and the big things. When someone cuts you off in traffic, forgive them. When someone wrongly accuses you, forgive them. When someone hurts you deeply, forgive them. Harboring unforgiveness only hurts you. It does nothing to the other person.
8. Pick up after yourself. If you drop it, pick it up. If you turn it on, turn if off. If you get it out, put it back. If you spill it, clean it. Even if it is someone else’s mess, pick it up.
9. Take care of your body. You only get one body. Take the best care of it you possibly can. Your body was created for a purpose. If it’s broken, it can’t be used. Keep your bod running.
10. Laugh as much as you can! Get a good belly laugh or the kind where you can’t breathe. It’s healthy. It makes you feel better. It makes others laugh. It is contagious. Besides that, it’s a lot of fun.

Hope you enjoy our ideas! Imagine how our world, our communities, and our homes would be different if each person did just these 10 things! It would be a good start to a great life!