The Laughing House

Monday, August 03, 2009

Snicker, Chuckle, Giggle, Snort, Cackle, Fall Out

Don’t you love a good laugh? The kind deep in your stomach, where your jaws hurt from smiling too long, and you can’t catch your breath?

I inherited a laughing problem from my grandfather. When we hear something funny and try to retell it, we get so tickled we can’t say it. Have you ever done that? I am an easily amused person, so this happens frequently at the dinner table. I start telling a story and what should have taken 2 minutes winds up lasting 15, because I’m laughing hysterically. The sad part is no one can decipher what I am saying because I sound like a drunk who just sucked the helium from a balloon. It really is a serious problem. My family is so gracious because they usually laugh with me, even though sometimes I think they are laughing at me.

My remarkable husband initiated family night last Saturday. We ate dinner together and watched a Tim Hawkins video. If you don’t know who Tim Hawkins is, go to You Tube and check him out! He is a HILARIOUS Christian comedian!

Do you know laughter is extremely good for you? Discover a few of the benefits. Laughter…

Lowers your blood pressure
Reduces your stress
Relaxes your muscles
Boosts your immune system
Triggers your body’s natural pain killers
Protects you from heart attacks or cardiovascular disease
Attracts people to you
Eases your anxiety and fear
Strengthens your relationships

It’s no wonder the Bible says a cheerful heart is good medicine. This week energize your life! Laugh continually. Start by asking friends, family, and co-workers their funniest or most embarrassing moments. Watch Tim Hawkins on You Tube. Karaoke with your family. When you hear laughter, join it! Create laughter in your life! After all, “A merry heart is good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22