The Laughing House

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CROKM for Life

Don't you love those moments when it seems God is speaking directly to you? Maybe through a song, a verse in the Bible, or another person? Tonight I attended a youth Christmas service at the Lanier Chapel. The Chapel was recently built on the property of an extremely wealthy lawyer in our town. The owner explained the intricate details painted, etched, and designed in the architecture of the little church.

In closing he shared his personal testimony. People often ask and wonder how a man can acquire so many possessions and so much wealth. He tells of a time when he was a kid he decided to join God's team. He didn't understand everything about God or the Bible. His faith wasn't completely strong nor his knowledge of religion, but he determined to obey God. He committed to reading something from his Bible every day, even if it was only one verse.

He explained how life is full of choices and all choices have consequences - good or bad. When we choose to follow God's commands, it is not because God wants to suck all the fun out of our lives, but because God's commands reap good consequences. As a young kid, this man determined not only to read something out of God's word daily, but to obey God as best he could in everything he did.

Lastly, he explained when you choose to be on God's team and obey, you prove you are trustworthy to God. He admitted that nothing he owned belonged to him. Every possession of his was Gods. He is simply the manager of it all. When we obey, surrender, and follow God, he can trust us with little things. Then when we prove ourselves trustworthy, he will trust us with bigger.

Tonight I learned to CROKM for life!
1. C - Choose God.
2. R- Read something out of the Bible everyday!
3. O -Obey God's commands because they reap good consequences.
4. K - Know that everything you have belongs to God.
5. M - Manage wisely.

What if these were your life goals? What would be different in your life today if you chose to make this list your priority? Why not? Start today CROKMing for the rest of your life!


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