The Coolest Thing About Cells
- Cells need the right nourishment. That all the veggies, nuts, and fruit you can eat. No fat, no red meat... in other healthy.
- Cells need oxygen. Cells get oxygen from exercise. Walk 3 miles/day 5 days/week or bike, swim, or do aerobics the equivalent of the 3 miles.
- Cells must get rid of waste.
In order to receive nourishment and oxygen and get rid of wastes, cells open and close! This is a necessary function to keep cells healthy. How do you keep your cells opening and closing?
Research has proven 4 ways.
1. Laughter
2. Positive self-talk. (Listen to what you are saying to yourself!)
3. Being kind, encouraging, doing things for others
Hasn't science proven what God has said all along?
A merry heart is good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:22...Laugh
Fill your mind with what is pure, right, excellent, praiseworthy, lovely, admirable, noble, and true. Phil 4:8... Positive self-talk
Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32...Doing for others
Pray without stopping. 1 Thess. 5:17...PRAY!
The scientist who lectured that morning concluded his talk with these words. You know what science has proven. You know what God says to do. I'm telling you to do it, if you choose not to, you are just LAZY, and he walked off the stage.
How about you? Lazy or not? If you find yourself leaning to the lazy side - grab a carrot, head out the door for a quick walk, laugh on the way, pray while you are walking, pick up someone else's trash, and tell yourself, "My cells are the healthiest they have ever been!"
At Tue Nov 03, 11:44:00 AM 2009 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey... are you on VACATION or something???? We are missing DAYS here... PLEASE get going.. I miss you daily!!
Love, Mary
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