The Laughing House

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Go Hard

Have you ever done something hard? I mean REALLY hard? Our friends invited us to their home on the lake. They are super water skiers. I hadn't water skied since I was in high school. I was determined that this old lady could still do it. I got up fine on 2 skis, but wanted to try to ski on one ski.

The driver of the boat was so patient. He would wait as I got ready in the water, gun the boat when I gave the thumbs up, realize I fell, circle back around, and start the process all over again. Finally, after drinking 1/2 the lake and snorting the other 1/2, I felt my body rise above the water and steady up right on that 1 ski! I did it. I was floating across the top of the lake.

In our lives today, how often do we do hard things? I mean REALLY hard things? I knew skiing on one ski was really hard because it took lots of time, tries, and tears. The following day I felt like someone had punched my entire body for at least an hour. My right cheek (and I mean my lower cheek) hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Tears literally rolled down my face as I tried to get out of bed the following morning.

Paul was the kind of man who did hard things. He never shyed away from his purpose of preaching the gospel all over the world. (Could you imagine your life mission being to spread the gospel to every single person in America?) Paul demanded of himself, "I don't run like a man running aimlessly, I don't fight like a man beating the air. NO, I BEAT MY BODY AND MAKE IT MY SLAVE, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." 1 Cor. 9:26-27. Paul chose to do hard things and then disciplined himself to GO HARD!

What hard thing have you done lately? Have you pushed yourself to do something that required your personal time, tons of tries, and salty tears? Have you ever had to beat your body and make your slave in order to accomplish the purposes of your life? Society programs us to think quick and easy. Rebel against the norm and challenge yourself to go hard!

Staying married isn't easy. Living debt free is hard. Turning off technology and investing in family time requires a little pain. Reading the Bible everyday takes time. Letting others be right might involve tears. Controlling the tongue or temper may demand discipline.

Think about your life. In what areas do you need to, GO HARD?


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