The Laughing House

Monday, August 31, 2009

Why Do You Pray?

Why do we pray? Listen to your prayers tonight before you go to bed or tomorrow before meals. What do you say to God? Why do you say what you pray?
Do your prayers sound like this? “Thank you God for this day. Thank you for my family. You are awesome. Be with my friend who is sick. Be with my cousin because she is having a bad day. Help us to all have a good day. In Jesus name, Amen.”
If prayer is to strengthen our relationship with God, did that prayer create intimacy with Him?
If prayer is to ask God for things for our friends and family, would that prayer help?
If prayer is to hear from God, could we hear Him in that prayer?
If prayer is to discover our purpose & mission in life, could we discern direction from that prayer?

Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to a mountain move and it would.
I would like to see a mountain move. I want to experience the power of God. I want to witness a miracle. Don’t you? What would it take for that to happen?

Could our prayers be so radically changed that mountains moved? Could our prayers become so intimate that we experienced God like Saul did when he became Paul? Could our prayers be so intense that we shed drops of blood as we fell face down on the ground seeking God’s guidance and help?

Let’s get real with God. Stop the cherades and artificial face talk. Pour our souls out to him and watch and see what happens. And somebody call Colorado because those Rocky Mountains might start movin'!


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