The Laughing House

Monday, August 17, 2009

Reading The Bible Is Boring

Reading the Bible is boring. I get nothing out of it. It's too difficult to understand. Have you ever had these thoughts? Recently someone asked me, "How do you understand the Bible?"

It's like loosing your car keys. What do you do when you have to be somewhere in 10 minutes and the keys to your car are nowhere to be found? Do you search whole-heartedly, ask others to help, or give up? What happens if you quit? You miss an appointment, school, or job which leads to seriously negative consequences.

When you read your Bible, search for the 1 thought God has for you like searching for lost keys. Read until you find that 1 unique truth written specifically for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help. A mentor told me to pray, "God you are the shepherd. I am the sheep. Your word is a meadow of food for life. Lead me where you want me to graze." Dive into the word. When a verse, word, or story jumps out at you, STOP. Re-read it. Think about it. Chew on it. Savor it. Digest it. Pray about it. Do it!

I am reading the Bible through this year. You might not think Ezekiel is a hot bed of entertaining literature, but it is. Yesterday, I read the most disgustingly funny verse in Ezekiel 23, I have ever read in the Bible. God is describing Samaria and Jerusalem's unfaithfulness to him. Let me tell you, God gives an explicit picture of the rupture in their relationship! Enjoy the variation in the Bible. It is drama, romance, tragedy, and self-help all inspired by God.

Imagine life without the Bible! We wouldn't know how to live, act, raise our children, or handle our finances. How would we know truth and wisdom? Don't spend your life without these things. Experience the blessings and hope of grazing through the word daily!

"Meditate on the Bible day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and succesful." Joshua 1:8