The Laughing House

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Five Years Comes Fast

Why waste your time reading books when we have bullet points and internet? One out of four adults did not read a book in 2007. Is this healthy? Does it affect our livelihood?

Do you remember curling up in the lap of someone who loved you immensely listening to make-believe stories? Captivated by a storybook, you held on to each word whispered from the adult who cared enough to read to you. One of my favorite childhood stories was Chicken Little. I loved the silly names, Goosey Loosey, Henny Penny, and Ducky Wucky. I wondered what Chicken Little might have called me, Stephanie Wephanie, or Stuffy Stephy. I was so fearful of that nasty Foxy Loxy. How was the king to know the sky was falling with the evil creature lurking across the farm?

Reading changes, though, when you become a teenager. Most teens classify reading as totally "uncool." As a teenager, I didn’t like reading. In the mid-eighties a great writer emerged that changed my perception of books. You may remember Judy Blume. She wrote three books that captured my attention; Freckle Juice, Are You There God It’s Me Margaret? and It’s Not the End of the World. These were the only three books I read for pleasure as a teen, and I probably read each one 5 times.

As adults we are busy. Why waste our time reading books? Do we really need to read? Check out these proven facts. Reading…

· Exercises your brain.
· Reduces your Stress.
· Develops your focus and concentration.
· Creates a greater base of knowledge. (Which makes you more interesting.)
· Builds a foundation of connection between what you know and learn.
· Enhances your vocabulary.
· Sparks your memory.
· Gives you a new perspective of life.
· Improves your self-discipline
· Energizes your creativity
· Revolutionizes Your Life

If you haven't read a good book lately, September is coming. Set a goal to read 1 book. Keep it in your purse or computer bag, and read when you have spare moments. Charlie Jones said it best,
“You're the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Five years comes awfully fast. Who will you be?

"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, the ears of the wise seek it out." Prov. 18:15