The Laughing House

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spotting a Preschooler

I love preschoolers! They are hilarious! My 18 month old cousin sat down on the floor last week and proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs because her daddy walked out of the room. I can so relate to that somedays! Don't you just want to lay down and throw a fit sometimes? Maybe when the driver in front of you won't break 20 miles per hour. How about when noone makes their beds and everyone leaves all the dishes in the sink? Although we can't act like preschoolers, it's fun to watch them. Here is what a normal preschooler might look like.
A normal preschooler...
lies and tell stories
picks his nose
chews with his mouth full
runs instead of walks
is afraid of the dark
embarrasses you in public
constantly wiggles
splashes water all over the bathroom
tells you no
spills at most meals
constantly asks why
breaks important things
hits, kicks, or bites other children
smacks his food
throws himself on the floor when he doesn't get his way
stays dirty
leaves toys on the floor
loves to dance
loves to sit in your lap
laughs, giggles, and smiles
is fascinated by the simple things in life, like butterflies, worms, lipstick, and firetrucks
gives lots of hugs
tells you when he feels how much he loves you
says the funniest things
talks all the time
wants your attention
makes you laugh
is silly and has fun
loves to read and play games

A normal preschooler brings many headaches, frustrations, and trying moments.
A normal preschooler is here today and grown tomorrow...
Cherish your normal preschooler, after HE IS NORMAL!

Next time you are at a store or out to eat, take time to observe the preschoolers around you! Notice any similarities?