The Laughing House

Friday, August 07, 2009

Socially Professional What?

How would you define "socially professional?" I spent 6 hours today teaching 80 incredible Early Childhood Educators. They are passionate women who are committed to leading the next generation. One of our topics was "How to be Socially Professional." It's a strange sounding concept, but it has a huge impact in your life.

Socially professional people smile, make eye contact, and no how to "cut the drama." When working in an environment with 80 women, gossip is a tempting distraction. It sneaks in like a slithering snake and bites when you least expect it. What do you do when a friend or co-worker approaches you with friendly gossip about the latest office, neighborhood, or church drama? You "cut the drama" immediately.

How? It's easy. Look the person in the eye, listen, and maintain a 1/2 smile. If you give them a full smile, it will encourage the conversation, and you don't want that. When the person finishes the story, gently fold your hands in front of you and reply, "Okay." Say nothing else.

The silence is like a knife cutting out the fun and emotion of stirring up gossip. It may feel awkward the first time you try it and beware, you will no longer be the center of hot conversation, but you will become an amazing socially professional person.

"Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth but only words for building up others."
Ephesians 4:29
(I will post 1 song/poem each day! Thanks for a great conference!)
It's a happy day and I thank God for the weather.
It's a happy day and I'm living it for my Lord.
It's a happy day and things are gonna get better.
Living each day on the promises of God's word.
It's a grumpy day and I don't like the weather.
It's a grumpy day and I'm living it for myself.
It's a grumpy day and things ain't gonna get better.
Living each day on the promises of God's word.