The Laughing House

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Only Do What Only You Can Do

You have been given a single gift that no other person in the world possesses! What are you doing with it? God has given you a gift to be used for his kingdom. You are the only person with this gift. You are the only person who can use it. God gave you this gift for a specific reason & purpose. What if you miss the purpose? What if you blow the one opportunity to make the greatest impact with your life?

Eunice Shriver, sister of JFK and mother of Maria Schriver, died this week. She was known for her passionate love for people with special needs. God placed in her a desire to prove doctors wrong and overcome the negative stigma about exercise and the mentally disabled. She invested her single God-given gift and passion to begin the Special Olympics that impacted millions of families all over the world. What if Mrs. Shriver thought about her gift, talked about her gift, but never made it happen?

You have an equally if not more important gift. Do you know what it is?
Here are a few questions to help you discover your gift:

* What do you do that is almost effortless but seems a daunting task to others?
* In what arenas do you consider yourself the go-to person?
* What would you do everyday for free?
* What is the greatest natural skill you possess?

I was thinking about my church. Imagine if every person at Champion Forest Baptist Church, 5,000 people, knew their gift. What would happen to our church and community if we all put our one, single gift to work? Ask yourself this quesiton:

Where are your skills not being put to good use?
What can you do easily, naturally, and passionately that would make a huge impact in our world?
Do whatever it takes to discover your gift, then work it! Make it happen! Don't be the guy who buried his talent in the sand. Be the wise one who invested his gift and reaped a huge return! Imagine if 5,000 people at CFBC reaped only a 20% return. (I'll let you do the math, because that is not my gift! :) How would Spring, Houston, and the world be changed forever?
There are many things you CAN do, but narrow it down to the one thing you MUST do. You will have many opportunities, but very few assignments. Your gift is the single assignment you must do - a natural passion, skill, strength, talent, vision, dream! Talk to someone this week about it! Pray about ways to make it happen.
CFBC is blessed with visionary leaders who want every believer to experience God's purpose and plan. If you are a member of CFBC, let them guide you as you put your gift in play!

If you are not a member of CFBC, discover your gift and work it in your job, home, community, church, and life. Take this little seed and plant it in the areas you impact.
"We all have different gifts according to the grace given to us." Romans 12:6
These thoughts were inspired by "Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley.