The Laughing House

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Your Child's Success/Failure Is In Your Body

Do you want your child to succeed or fail? You play a powerful role in the determination of that question.

In a recent study, a group of students were told exactly what would happen in an experiment prior to starting. A teacher degraded and belittled each student with snide remarks and negative comments. She cut the students to the core. Many children were sobbing by the time the teacher finished, even though they knew the insults were part of the project. After the cruel verbal abuse, each student took a test. Every student in the class failed.

The same study was repeated. This time the teacher lavished compliments and encouragement on the class. She praised each student individually and cheered them to be their best. After the positive reinforcement, each student took a test. Every student in the class made an A.

Is your child succeeding? Plant seeds of success with simple phrases like...
I am proud of you because you make good choices.
I noticed you helped your sister today. I’m impressed!
Out of all the kids in the world, I am so glad God gave you to me.
You are organized.
You are a good listener.
You are very conversational.
You use your head wisely.
You have great ideas.
I love your energy level!
I can see you making a huge mark in this world.
I can see you doing something no one else has ever done before.

Catch your child doing something good today and tell him/her!

“The tongue has the power of life and death.” Prov. 18:21