The Laughing House

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Who's Turning this Mess?

Last year my brother read the entire Bible. I was so impressed. I thought, "If he can do it, maybe I can too." So, I set a goal to follow in his footsteps. I thought it would be really hard. Afterall, what am I going to get out of all those books in the Old Testament? Sometimes they seem so unrelated to life.

This morning I read 1 Kings 12. Rehoboam (What kind of name is that?) was the king of Israel. This other guy Jeroboam (...Oboam must have been popular back then. Like Bill, Phil, Will, I guess.) rebelled against the king and he took control over all of Israel except Judah.

How in the world does this apply to a mom at home with 3 kids during the summer?
8 words..."this turn of events was from the Lord."
It's amazing to think no matter what we are going through in life, our "turn of events"...
our losses, our successes, our failures, our illnesses, our pain, our joys
our vacations, our trips to the pool, our jobs, the NBA playoffs...
they are all turn of events FROM THE LORD.
Whatever "turn of events" we are in, we can rest in the fact that it is from the Lord.
He is in control. He loves us more than we love ourselves and he is good. He is in control and we can trust him.
However your events are turning this week, take a deep breath and know,
there is someone greater than you turning them around.