The Laughing House

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mission Possible?

In business, companies have a mission statement. A mission statement is a short, concise goal that is easy to remember.

One of the first owners of Coca-Cola tasted Coke. It was so good, he said, "Every person in the world needs to taste this drink." He determined the mission of Coca-Cola was for every person in the world to taste the soda. He has succeeded in his mission.

What should my mission statement be?
Someone recently said, "I want to die a successful wife and mom."
What an amazing mission!
At this point in life, that feels like Mission Impossible. I can only imagine all the challenges Coca-Cola must have experienced to reach the world. If Coke can do it one can at a time, maybe I can slowly one day at a time become the wife and mom I am intended to be. And my prayer is one day when my time ends, it may be said, "She was a successful wife and mom."