The Laughing House

Monday, December 16, 2013

Take WHAT?

Do you ever wonder how our freedom to choose and God's purpose for our lives connect? If I get to decide what I do, how am I fulfilling God's plan?

I'm reading a book called, Live 10. Here is a summary of what I've read. What do you think?

At very distinct times in life, God seems to bring dreams to us. His dreams for the areas where we have influence. It's like he's saying, "This is what I have made for you. I call this possible." These possibilities are hints from God. They become a thought, an idea, a vision.

Then...we partner with God in fulfilling this destiny. We cooperate, go into action. Some people make excuses, blaming God for our lack in some things. But other people, take action. They do what it takes to make it happen.

Like farmers,they take that little seed called a dream and they plant, water, weed, and hoe. Every day they work to aid the little plant. They can't make it grow, bloom, or blossom, but one day when they least expect it ....
God brings a crazy harvest, the impossible-possible dream. It happens. It's reality.

And all the work, the action, the sweat, and self-discipline of the farmer pays off because he listened to the dream of His Father Creator and took action.

The crows come and attack the field. They try to steal the seed. The possums sneak in at night and the weather tries to destroy all the hard work.

The farmers who recognize the enemy, destroy the distractions, and TAKE ACTION. With their eyes on the dream they see the harvest, see their God given dreams fulfilled.

Many people will say you can be anything you want to be. Not true. I can't be the president of Poland. I'm not Polish. I can sing to my heart's content but I will never be the next American Idol. BUT...

When I discover the boundaries of my life, the dream God has created for me, and when I partner with God in that destined place, anything is possible for me.

People who fulfill their God given dreams, can say these 3 things...
1. This is the dream that God has placed in me that is within my boundaries ____________________________________________
2. These are the things/people keeping me from my God ordained destiny that I will not allow to steal or destroy my dream ___________________________________________________
3. This is the action I am taking now to follow God's purpose for my life. ________________________________________________

Has God placed an idea or thought in your mind that He's ready to take to a whole new level? Are you waiting on Him while He's waiting on you? Is it time for you to do something?

I say, "Listen to His voice. Recognize your boundaries. TAKE ACTION and discover the impossible possibilities with Your Father as you fulfill His destiny for you!"


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