The Laughing House

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Hero Saved Me Last Night

Have you ever been so frightened that you felt your heart drop all the way to your toes or your body remained frozen for what seemed like eternity? Well...
Last night Rick turned off the TV, turned out the lights, locked the doors and came to bed.

Everyone was nestled all snug in their beds (1:30am) with visions of school today dancing in their heads, when downstairs in the den...I suddenly heard the TV come on!
What? How could the TV come on?
I froze.
I couldn't breathe.
My heart was thumping in the 8 toenails I have left.
Who was downstairs in the den watching TV?
Should I wake Rick?
Do I go check on the kids?
I don't know...I can't breathe much less move or think. I'm frozen.
I listened for any other sound of evidence. NOTHING.
Was there some man sitting on the couch in the den wearing camos and a black face mask with a big machine gun?
Would tonight be my last night with my family?
I started to yell downstairs...take whatever you want. I'll go back to sleep and play like you were never here.
Instead, as quietly as I could, I whispered..."Rick, do you hear the TV?"
He rolled over. I saw it hit him at once. His heart dropped. He was frozen. Was he breathing? I wanted to rub his toes to get his heart back up in his chest, but the only thing I could move was my mouth.
Suddenly, he began to thaw. "Is it the kids?" he asked.
"I don't know."
He slowly moved out of bed and crept to the bedroom door and looked down the stairs.
"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"I'm going to check it out."
"You can't do that." I replied. Hadn't he thought about the guy downstairs in his camos and black face mask?
"What do you want me to do?" he asked a little frustrated.
Suddenly I realized this wasn't a good time for an arguement so I said, "Go for it. I'll be right here praying for you."(Isn't that what a good Christian woman would do?)
"What?" he yell-whispers. (You know the kind you give your kids at church when they are acting up.)
I realized I couldn't let him go alone. Afterall, I watch "The Unit" every week, I should be prepared for this.
I slowly crept down the stairs as close to Rick as I could.
Rick jumped around the bottom of the stairs. I noticed the front door knob. What a great idea!
I unlocked it, threw open the door and was ready to scream for help if the camo guy decided to attack.
My hero went through every room in the house, looked in every closet, checked outside, and all the windows and doors. Everything was locked up tight and in it's place. No camo guy to be found.
We looked at each other in bewilderment and headed back upstairs.

Who turned on the TV? We still do not know, but there is one thing I learned.

Rick never hesitated to go downstairs.
Had we not gone downstairs we would have laid in bed frozen in fear all night. What a waste of time that would have been!

Rick was determined to find out what was going on. He wanted to know the truth.
Obviously the camo guy was not a clear picture of the truth.

As I snuggled back in bed, I asked God, "What was the purpose in all of that? Are you bored tonight and need a little entertainment?"

When suddenly that still quiet voice whispered, "Face your fears head on EVERYTIME! Don't be paralyzed by what others tell you, what Satan tells you, or what you tell yourself. I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life. Follow me."

"Yes sir," I thought, as I snuggled up next to my hero with visions of the kids at school today dancing in my head.

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you, and the waves will not overcome you." Isaiah 43:1-2


  • At Mon Mar 16, 10:46:00 AM 2009 , Blogger Gina Schaack said...

    Stephanie that was precious. I can just see you two creeping down to check out the situation! That is one of my favorite verses and I have needed to hear it often in the last six months. Thanks for putting it in front of me one more time!

  • At Mon Mar 16, 05:02:00 PM 2009 , Blogger but Momma said...

    Face that fear! But don't forget to take a bat with you! :)

    And don't you love the thought of the burglar who just came in to watch a little T.V.?

  • At Tue Mar 17, 06:26:00 AM 2009 , Blogger Deana said...

    Oh Stephanie! This makes me remember the time Lane and I were awakened in the middle of the night. We were upstairs and heard this lound banging - sounded like someone was opening the silverware drawer and slamming it, and then another, etc. We stood at the top of the stairs for what seemed like an eternity before deciding to sneak downstairs to see what was going on. (Taylor - who was 4 at the time - was now in our bed, holding the phone, ready to call 911). Well - there it was, a half deflated mylar balloon floating around the living room, being hit every so often by the ceiling fan which had been left on by accident. We were scared to death but, laughed about it - after the fact! Thanks for the sweet memory today! :o)


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