The Laughing House

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The 1 CM Stop

Nicole got her driving permit this week. She is doing GREAT! Yesterday, while she was driving & I was trying to look calm & relaxed, we talked about making smooth stops. I asked her to stop quickly, when she hears me say, "Stop." Like when we are pulling in the garage & are 1 cm from the back wall. Or when we are rounding a corner & a car is coming on our side of the road. She wasn't happy to hear the request and I responded in a way that didn't make her too happy either.

Last night, I apologized to the good Lord for getting a little overheated at the "stopping situation."
His response was, "It's okay. I know how you feel."
"What?" I snapped back.
"How many times have I asked you to stop doing something & it's a rather slow stop. Maybe you'll stop tomorrow. Maybe you'll stop next week."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like, when I say stop talking and you stop when you want to. Do you realize you are 1 cm away from a huge arguement or hurting someone's feelings?"
"Or when I say, stop watching that movie. You are 1 cm away from putting so much into your mind that it's going to come out in your actions tomorrow."
"Or when I say stop gossiping. You are destroying someone's reputation, witness, or friendship."
I quickly responded, "I got it. You can stop now. (no pun intended)."

I learned a huge lesson from the 1 cm Stop:
Hear the Holy Spirit and Handle it!
When I hear the voice in my head say "Stop," and it lines up with the Bible, handle it!
I have no idea what is 1 cm ahead, but He does.


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