The Laughing House

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Scatter No Matter

The Law of the Harvest
1. You reap what you sow.
2. You reap later than you sow.
3. You reap more than you sow.

When you smile at someone, you get a smile in return.
When you say "I'm sorry," you receive forgiveness.
When you lend someone a helping hand, you gain a sense of accomplishment.
When you give encouraging words, you recieve the joy in seeing someone else succeed.

What am I sowing?
Encouragement or Discouragement
Kindness or Rudeness
Helpfulness or Selfishness
Patience or Hurriedness
Love or Hate
Joy or Worry
Hard Work or Laziness
God's Word or What Oprah says

The Bible says that a certain man went out and scattered seed.
Some seed fell on rocky soil, some fell on thorns, some fell beside the road. Not much of it landed on good soil. Actually only 1/4 of it produced any crops.
The amazing thing is...the guy scattered EVERYWHERE & he didn't care where it landed or what happened to it! He just scattered.
Am I willing to SCATTER EVERYWHERE, no matter the results?

Will I encourage my kids even when they roll their eyes?
Will I say something kind even when someone responds with rudeness?
Will I let the jerk in front of me who pushed his way onto the exit ramp instead of waiting his turn?

I want to be a SEED DUMPER who dumps seeds everywhere no matter the results.
"Whatever a man sows, this he will reap." Gal. 6:7


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