The Laughing House

Monday, March 30, 2009

Submit vs Surrender

How does the word submit make you feel?
Rick and I joke around about the Bible's command for me to "submit" to him. I don't know about you, but everytime I hear that word, my temp starts to rise & my blood boils a little. Why is that?

While reading the good book, a little voice asked me, "What's the difference between submit & surrender?"
If a gunman is holding a gun to my head, what does he say, "Submit or Surrender?" The gunman expects me to lay down my weapon and yield complete control to him. I have to give up! I have to surrender!

If the gunman told me to submit, I would give him complete authority to rule and make decisions about my life. That means I might keep my weapon and join him in his tyrant, if that is what he told me to do. By submitting, I would pledge complete obedience.

Jesus said, "If you want to come with me, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me." Matt 16:24
Isn't that the perfect picture of surrender & submit?
DENY myself, now, that makes my blood boil a little.
What is the 1 thing you couldn't live without? For me, it's chocolate & sweet tea. I tried to go 2 days without sweet tea, and it wasn't pretty. What would it be like if I denied myself the things of this world for the sake of Christ? What if I willingly surrendered those things that keep me away from Christ?

FOLLOW Christ, now that sounds a little better. This means submit to whatever he says. Obey him. Go where he goes. Do what he does. Be what he is. Say what he says. Think what he thinks.

Today let's DENY & FOLLOW. Choose 1 thing you know God wants you to deny yourself of & 1 way he wants you to follow.
You might be wondering...what kinds of things does he want us to deny?
Sarcasm, selfishness, some TV shows, porn, conversations that we know we shouldn't have, being right all the time, unkind words, judging, anger...
What kinds of things does he want us to do?
This one is easy! Acts 10:38, "Jesus went around doing good!" Go do good things all day!
Hug your kids, encourage your husband, buy someone lunch anonymously, smile at everyone!
Today let's surrender & submit
deny & follow!



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