The Laughing House

Monday, May 04, 2009

I Can't Do It All

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you think, there is NO WAY I can accomplish everything that I have to do?

Last week, I finalized my school schedule for May - August. I signed up for 2 mini-mesters. I will take 2 classes in May, 1 week each from 8-5. Each class will count for a full 3-hour course. After signing up, I received my syllabi via e-mail. I opened the course descriptions to discover I now had 5 papers, 2 projects, and 7 books to read before May 22.

I also signed-up to do an internship and take 1 Old Testament class in the summer, thinking the summer schedule did not start until after the mini-mesters. (1 of these days I'm going to learn to quit thinking!) Unfortunately, I was WRONG. The internship starts May 11. My supervisor for my internship called to let me know there would be a planning meeting for my new intern assignment last Thursday night. I jumped in the car excited about my new adventure. As the meeting progressed I discovered that I would be writing curriculum covering basic theology for teenagers, and my first assignment would be due Wednesday, May 6! Each following Wed. another assignment would be due.

When I received this wonderful news about all of my new assignments, I still had 3 finals to take by Tues, May 5, and I was helping at the overnight 5th grade retreat at Incredible Pizza on Friday night, May 1 - Saturday morning, May 2. (It was awesome, I must add! I was riding go carts at 3am, doing the dance machine at 5am, and got to tell a little girl about Jesus!) However, that left Saturday out of the question for getting any school work finished. Since I did not sleep one wink Friday night, I slept from 9am-4pm Saturday.

I left the internship meeting, climbed into my car like a puppy who had been scolded, and let the tears fall. I whispered to myself, "There is no way I can finish all of this. There is absolutely no way."
3 finals
5 papers
2 projects
7 books
1 theology/teen writing assignment
Overnight retreat
and most importantly...take care of my family!

At that moment a still small voice whispered, "If you're doing what I ask you to do , then you don't have to."
I felt like I had been hit by a truck.
I said quietly, "Lord, there is NO way I can do all of this. I'm so dumb to think I can. You've got to do this through me. Please?"
I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I untucked my tail from between my legs. I cranked the music and jammed all the way to the ballpark.
Friday a miracle happened. I finished 1 of my finals on line, completed the take home part of another final, and outlined the internship writing assignment. I purchased the 7 books and read 1/2 of one on Sat. I e-mailed people to get the information I needed for my 2 projects, and they have already been returned. When I think about all that has been accomplished in these few short days, I am blown away! Not because of anything I have done, but because of what God has done.

I learned a huge lesson from all of this! How many times do I try to do everything on my own?
Even the little things in life, like being the wife Rick needs or caring for my kiddos. So many times I go at life on my own, when there is a much easier way!!!!

Admit Defeat & Surrender at His feet
It's amazing what God can do in our lives, when we let go and let Him!
"Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7