The Laughing House

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Hampster Stuck on the Spinning Wheel?

Have you ever felt like you have been run over by a truck?
Maybe it's not that bad, but you feel completely spent? You are emotionally drained, overwhelmed, or like a hampster running on the wheel and you can't get off?
This summer has been a little crazy for me. Taking 4 classes from the middle of May through the end of July, writing curriculum for an internship, and being a wife and mom with all the activities of summer have got me feeling a little overwhelmed. Add a sweet hubby doing a little job searching in the mix and BOOM, this hampster is running mentally, physically, and emotionally on overload.
As I walked around our church tonight at an AWESOME evening of family fun, I noticed several other critters who looked like the wheel of life and activity was spinning faster than their legs can run.
Someone challenged me today with a question: Is there balance in your life?
It seems there are seasons when the scale tips to one side or the other, but the goal is to ultimately remain balanced.
Perhaps the very best question that we can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, “What is the most valuable use of my time right now?”
We must master our lives and not become a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on our time.
After next week, this hampster is taking a cold, hard look at life, demands, and events and asking herself, "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now!"