The Laughing House

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Video

Do you ever have those times when you wish your kids were walking more closely with the Lord?The past 6 months, I've been praying for my daughter. She's not out sleeping around or robbing banks, but her heart hasn't been where it normally is.

Being the mom that I am, I sometimes like to play the role of the Holy Spirit. If you don't know what that means, it's a spiritual way of admitting you are trying to control and sometimes manipulate others or situations.

If you know me, you know that I love to listen to podcasts. My favorite, besides Champion Forest Baptist Church of course, is lifechurchtv. I usually listen while I jog or you can watch them on your phone or computer.

One morning while I was praying for my daughter, I got this ingenious idea that we could watch some of these podcasts, or what I call "videos," together.

That night she came in my room and plopped on the bed. We were talking and I started to recognize this might be the perfect night for my videos. She went in her room to get on her pjs and after awhile I tiptoed in and said, "Hey! I have a great idea."

"Okay, what?" she responded. This was looking promising. If you have teenagers you know that's a positive response.

"Why don't we snuggle up in bed, get some popcorn, and watch these videos I have."

I was ready for the sweet, loving, Christian girl response, preparing myself for an evening where the angels would be floating around our heads while we cherished God's holy word in our hearts.

As I waited expectantly with a big grin on my face and unconditional love in my eyes, she said,

"MOM, I'm not watching your stupid religious videos."

Wow...that wasn't quite the holy response I was anticipating. I'm pretty sure the grin turned upside down and the eyes were full of unconditional, "SAY WHAT?"  but none the less, I handled it as any godly mother would. I proceeded to get in an argument with her about her walk with the Lord and how I was concerned and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It turned into a heated "discussion" and we both left frustrated.

I returned to my snuggly warm bed for sure the angels had ditched me and began to think. What I did was all wrong. God is in control of my daughter. He knows what's going on, why she's making certain choices, and he's got her in the palm of her hand, so what was I thinking?

30 minutes after the Holy Spirit set me straight and his role that I am not to try and fill in my daughter's life, I went to her room and apologized.

Now, if you don't know this, God is really funny! He works in crazy ways. At the same time all of this is going on, my daughter has been talking to a new "guy friend" who has a skeptical past. He gave his life to Christ a year ago and has been walking with the Lord since, but you know how it is with your children and their "friends." You want those kind of friends who will snuggle up with their moms and watch religious videos! cough, cough

Several days later, my daughter tells me her guy friend is leading a Bible study for a group of guys and he's struggling. I told her about this "video" for guys that might be good. Guess what she said, "Well I'll tell him and maybe he and I can watch it together." Yes, you heard her. Mrs. I don't do religious videos is now going to snuggle up with her guy friend, eat popcorn, while angels dance around their heads, and watch religious videos.

All I could do was laugh. I looked towards my heavenly Father and said, "Aren't you Mr. Funny?" I realized at that moment, God can use anyone, any time, any way he wants to bring us to him.

When you don't see God at work in the way you think is best, ask him and trust him. Remember we don't have to tell him how, we just ask him for the what.

What If Jesus Was Never Born?

What if Jesus was never born? Would there still be Christmas?

Tonight the worship ministry at our church led a Christmas production. One of the songs asked the question, "Would there still be Christmas if Jesus was never born?" I began to wonder...

If Jesus had never been born,
would there be Santa Claus
would we listen to Christmas carols
would we decorate Christmas trees
would we wrap gifts
would there be Christmas lights?

If Jesus had never been born,
would there be Christmas shopping
would people take vacation half the month of December
would Rudolph and Frosty exist
would we bake Christmas cookies
would Twas the Night Before Christmas be read?

It was so sad to think all of my thoughts centered around commercialized Christmas. All the things I thought might not exist, really don't matter. I realized I was looking at the answer to that question all wrong. So I wondered...

If Jesus had never been born,
Who would forgive me of my sins?
Would someone else have died for me?
How would I get to heaven?
How would I know how to live?
Would there be a light of the world?

If Jesus had never been born,
What would be the truth?
Who would be the way?
Who would be my hope?
In whose name would we pray?
How would I be redeemed?
Would I have faith?

I could go on and on wondering the what ifs but I'm so thankful that I have the truth. Jesus died for me to save me from a place called hell. Because he was born I have put all my hope, faith and trust in him. I have a purpose and way. I have a reason to live and life ABUNDANTLY. Because Jesus was born, I have a helper and guide. Because Jesus was born, I am loved forever.

If you're not sure the answer to the question, "Would there be Christmas if Jesus was never born?" the answer is no. There would be no carolers, cookies, or gift wrap. No lights, presents, or trees. But because He left heaven and came to us born in a lowly little manger...we have all we ever need...God with us, Emmanuel.

Take WHAT?

Do you ever wonder how our freedom to choose and God's purpose for our lives connect? If I get to decide what I do, how am I fulfilling God's plan?

I'm reading a book called, Live 10. Here is a summary of what I've read. What do you think?

At very distinct times in life, God seems to bring dreams to us. His dreams for the areas where we have influence. It's like he's saying, "This is what I have made for you. I call this possible." These possibilities are hints from God. They become a thought, an idea, a vision.

Then...we partner with God in fulfilling this destiny. We cooperate, go into action. Some people make excuses, blaming God for our lack in some things. But other people, take action. They do what it takes to make it happen.

Like farmers,they take that little seed called a dream and they plant, water, weed, and hoe. Every day they work to aid the little plant. They can't make it grow, bloom, or blossom, but one day when they least expect it ....
God brings a crazy harvest, the impossible-possible dream. It happens. It's reality.

And all the work, the action, the sweat, and self-discipline of the farmer pays off because he listened to the dream of His Father Creator and took action.

The crows come and attack the field. They try to steal the seed. The possums sneak in at night and the weather tries to destroy all the hard work.

The farmers who recognize the enemy, destroy the distractions, and TAKE ACTION. With their eyes on the dream they see the harvest, see their God given dreams fulfilled.

Many people will say you can be anything you want to be. Not true. I can't be the president of Poland. I'm not Polish. I can sing to my heart's content but I will never be the next American Idol. BUT...

When I discover the boundaries of my life, the dream God has created for me, and when I partner with God in that destined place, anything is possible for me.

People who fulfill their God given dreams, can say these 3 things...
1. This is the dream that God has placed in me that is within my boundaries ____________________________________________
2. These are the things/people keeping me from my God ordained destiny that I will not allow to steal or destroy my dream ___________________________________________________
3. This is the action I am taking now to follow God's purpose for my life. ________________________________________________

Has God placed an idea or thought in your mind that He's ready to take to a whole new level? Are you waiting on Him while He's waiting on you? Is it time for you to do something?

I say, "Listen to His voice. Recognize your boundaries. TAKE ACTION and discover the impossible possibilities with Your Father as you fulfill His destiny for you!"

Friday, December 06, 2013

Don't Forget

I laughed so hard last night. I was laying in bed reading, writing in my journal, when my son came in with a bowl of cereal. He climbed up on the bed and we began to chat.

Yesterday morning when I went to wake him, it was next to impossible. So much so that I started to panic thinking, "What if he's dead?" I yelled his name. I shook his shoulders, patted his cheeks, rocked him back and forth. It was one of those moments as a mom when your heart drops to your feet and every nerve is tingling.

I laid my hand on his chest, no rhythm. I noticed how pale he looked. I continued to talk to him, no response. I placed my two fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. As I steadied my fingers, praying to myself, he opened his eyes, smiled, and said, "Morning." Whew! What a relief! I wanted to grab and hug him. Hold him. Cry over him. Rock him and never let him go, but he was clueless.

So last night when he climbed on our bed, I told him the story of what happened. I said, "Michael, this morning when I woke you up, I thought you were dead." He laughed and said what happened?

Now imagine I'm all snuggled in bed with a toasty warm blanket on top of me. I have two books on the bed and my journal and pen in hand. I say, "Let me show you." The plan in my mind at that moment was to act out him laying in bed and what I experienced.

I put the journal on my nightstand.  I picked up the two books and set them beside the journal. Then the strangest thing happened... I turned over, snuggled deep down in my bed, gently laid my head on my pillow, and turned and looked at Michael. I took on the same posture I do every night when I go to bed. I was in full out sleep position.

Michael was confused so he paused. Wondering if this was part of the drama about to unfold, he waited. After a few seconds, he politely said, "Mom, you were going to show me." I froze. Confused and unable to recall what it was I was supposed to show him, I laid there in deep thought for about 5 seconds. My mind started to race, "What was I supposed to be doing?" Please tell me this happens to you. It's like that moment when you walk to the pantry and think, "What was I getting?" or you walk into your closet and wonder, "Why am I here?"

Luckily after a few came to me..I was getting ready to act out the horrific morning. I said, "Oh yea!" and moved on with my original intent.

Michael busted out laughing. "Mom, how could you forget so quickly? You just said, 'Let me show you.' You put down your stuff and then you had no clue what you were doing. How does that happen?" he said between uncontrollable moments of laughter.

How does that happen? I wondered to myself, "How do I forget so quickly? How do I  forget...
God loves me.
God is with me.
He floods me with peace when I keep my mind on him.
He gives joy and hope.
He forgives me.
He is full of grace and mercy.

I think this happens all throughout my day. I am thinking about the riches of his blessings and then boom, I turn over, drive the carpool, get to work, start talking with people, and I freeze in life forgetting that God loves me and He is with me offering peace, joy, hope, grace, forgiveness, mercy.
I lose focus on Him and loving others and I snuggle up in the business of my life and miss what He wants me to know.

God, in the moments when I get distracted, forget my true purpose in life, and snuggle in to the world, whisper in my ear, "Don't forget, I am here."