The Laughing House

Saturday, January 04, 2014

LOVE TO VACUUM...say what?

When you want something, what is your first response? Do you immediately get it? Are you a planner and begin to prepare for the best time to purchase? Do you research all the options before committing?

What I've found is the longer I wait, the more I love it. This Christmas I asked for a new vacuum cleaner. My friends repeatedly made fun of me saying that is not a Christmas gift, it's a necessity, but for me, it's what I wanted because it's what I needed.

My old vacuum was the kind that by the time I finished cleaning the carpets, there was more dirt on the floor than when I started. I literally yelled out loud at the piece of equipment during each use. I personally picked up more stuff off the floor with my hands than the vacuum and I wanted to kick a hole in the wall each time I used it.

Now, I could have gone and purchased a vacuum last year when it started to go out, but it's a pretty hefty purchase financially so I decided to wait. When I opened the box on Christmas Eve, I literally hugged the thing. I spent Christmas eve and Christmas morning vacuuming. I was in love. It was wonderful. It was like heaven on earth. I couldn't stop using it!

My kids said, "Mom our rug looks like it's new."
"I know!!!" I shouted jumping up and down with tears in my eyes! I am so thankful for my new vacuum cleaner and cherish it and the moments I get to vacuum.

What if I would have bought the vacuum last year when it first started to go out? How would my Christmas and vacuuming experience be different? 

If we never allow ourselves the opportunity to desire something, we never fully enjoy the fun of getting or using it. It's like giving a teen a car before he can drive or giving a preschooler James Avery jewelry when they have no clue about the value of money or expensive jewelry. We deprive ourselves of the joy and satisfaction we could experience from waiting. 

Jesus said, "Take up your cross, deny yourself, and follow me." What did he mean, "deny myself?" 

I challenge you to try denying yourself materialistically, at least for a little while. You'll discover a thankfulness and joy for the simple things you didn't have before and besides might find you love to vacuum. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The Promptu Party

What if you could make a difference in one life? What if you could change the world in one small way? Would you do it?

I believe God uses his children to perform His miracles every day. As His kids, we have to be in tune with His voice and then quickly do what He asks.

Each year our Kids Ministry at church has Happy Birthday Jesus parties one Sunday in December. We provide cupcakes and Caprisuns for all the children as they play games and talk about Jesus' birth.

This year we had cupcakes left over. Down the street from our church is a low income apartment complex. We have built a friendship with the apartment activities coordinator over the past several years. As we put away the cupcakes, a small thought bounced through my head. What if we took the cupcakes to the apartments and had a birthday party for Jesus there with all the children?

I called the activities coordinator and asked if this would be possible. She was elated. Her funding for activities was cut and she was not able to do anything for Christmas for the children this year. She could not believe how God was providing.

A few of the ladies who serve in the Kids Ministry rallied behind the idea and helped set the party in motion. We took crafts, dress up clothes to reenact the Christmas story, snacks, and face paint. The children loved it. We were able to share the story of Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas with a lot of love and laughter.

Sometimes God places a small thought, gentle whisper, or seemingly unimportant opportunity in your path. Listen, acknowledge, and obey. You never know the difference that will be made in one little life or your world because you obeyed.