The Laughing House

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Got Potential?

Would someone hire you to run Disneyworld, be the quarterback of the Houston Texans, design the next spaceship, or perform brain surgery on their loved one? Why not?
A friend's son is being recruited by college football teams. ATM, Texas, Texas Tech, and O.U. have all tried to allure him to their schools. The young man is only a sophmore in high school. Why would these colleges invest time, money, and energy into a 16 year old boy, who won't even be eligible to play for 2 more years? It's all about POTENTIAL. The coaches see something in this young boy, that most ordinary people overlook. They know he possesses skills, talents, and abilities that he will grow into.
When God looks at you, he sees POTENTIAL. He recognizes your skills, personality, and strengths. He is leading and guiding your growth in these areas. Just like the recruiters have intentional plans for my friend's son, God has a very specific purpose for you. He knows that you are far more capable of anything you can imagine right now. The young male athlete has no idea that he may be the next Heisman Trophy winner, but the recruiters do.
Allow God to transform your life into His image so you can live out your potential.
Read his word. Discover your strengths. Talk to people who love you about areas in which you excel. Ask God to reveal your potential.
David was a kid who took care of sheep. God saw his potential.
Moses was a murderer who stuttered. God saw his potential.
Esther was a young girl who had no parents. God saw her potential.
(Place your name here) is a woman/man who God loves. God sees your potential.
"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, September 25, 2009

How Do You Smell?

What do you smell like? What aroma are you putting off? Some mornings I go for a run while my family is still sleeping. They often times wake up to discover a stinky momma! After running several miles, I don't smell too good! Honestly, my aroma reeks!

On the other hand, what comes to your mind when you hear, "Cookies baking in the oven." Is your mouth watering? Can you smell that sweet aroma? Are you picturing chocolate chips melting in your mouth?

Paul described his life in 2 Cor. 2: 14-16 as a sweet life-giving perfume that spreads the knowledge of Jesus everywhere. As I read this I wondered, "What do people smell when they are around me? Am I a sweet perfume? Am I life-giving? Do I spread Jesus' love everywhere?"

People, like Paul, who are a sweet aroma of Christ are easy to spot. When you are around them, you experience joy, peace, forgivness, kindness, gentleness. They are encouraging and uplifting. They speak the truth, hold the door for strangers, or let someone else go first. They listen and are genuinely interested in you. When they speak, you hear them talk about what God is doing in their life. When you are around them, you experience LIFE, because they are life-giving!

What about you? How do you smell today? Are you giving life or draining others of joy and hope? After being around you do people smile, have hope, and know that God is faithful and Jesus loves them? If so, keep spreading that sweet smell. If not, try deodorant, it might help! :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Go Hard

Have you ever done something hard? I mean REALLY hard? Our friends invited us to their home on the lake. They are super water skiers. I hadn't water skied since I was in high school. I was determined that this old lady could still do it. I got up fine on 2 skis, but wanted to try to ski on one ski.

The driver of the boat was so patient. He would wait as I got ready in the water, gun the boat when I gave the thumbs up, realize I fell, circle back around, and start the process all over again. Finally, after drinking 1/2 the lake and snorting the other 1/2, I felt my body rise above the water and steady up right on that 1 ski! I did it. I was floating across the top of the lake.

In our lives today, how often do we do hard things? I mean REALLY hard things? I knew skiing on one ski was really hard because it took lots of time, tries, and tears. The following day I felt like someone had punched my entire body for at least an hour. My right cheek (and I mean my lower cheek) hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Tears literally rolled down my face as I tried to get out of bed the following morning.

Paul was the kind of man who did hard things. He never shyed away from his purpose of preaching the gospel all over the world. (Could you imagine your life mission being to spread the gospel to every single person in America?) Paul demanded of himself, "I don't run like a man running aimlessly, I don't fight like a man beating the air. NO, I BEAT MY BODY AND MAKE IT MY SLAVE, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." 1 Cor. 9:26-27. Paul chose to do hard things and then disciplined himself to GO HARD!

What hard thing have you done lately? Have you pushed yourself to do something that required your personal time, tons of tries, and salty tears? Have you ever had to beat your body and make your slave in order to accomplish the purposes of your life? Society programs us to think quick and easy. Rebel against the norm and challenge yourself to go hard!

Staying married isn't easy. Living debt free is hard. Turning off technology and investing in family time requires a little pain. Reading the Bible everyday takes time. Letting others be right might involve tears. Controlling the tongue or temper may demand discipline.

Think about your life. In what areas do you need to, GO HARD?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why Is Your Arm Up?

We were sitting in church on Sunday listening to the preacher. I noticed my husband shifting in his seat. Then suddenly I saw him lift his arm beside his head. I thought to myself, "Is he worshipping? Does he want to ask the pastor a question? Has the Holy Spirit come upon him?"

I turned my head to make eye contact. He was in his own world with his arm up. I knew he had a bad arm, so I began to wonder, "Is he being healed right here in front of my eyes?" Then I began to think, "What are all the people sitting behind us thinking? Are they thinking, "Dude, put your arm down I can't see. Hey you up there with your arm up, he's not going to call on you to ask your question. Just e-mail it in later. Hello, nut job, this isn't the music time, why are you raising your hand?"

My thoughts then raced to, "Should I be a good wife and support him? Should I lift my arm too? If I do, which arm should I raise? How should I hold my hand- facing up, down, to the side? Oh great, I'm wearing short sleeves. My "momma flap" that hangs so beautifully under my upper arm is going to wave uncontrollably when I lift my arm. I've got to start wearing long sleeves every Sunday." All these thoughts were racing through my head when finally I decided to just break his spiritual moment and ask, "What are you doing?" He replied every so non-chalantly, "My arm is just bothering me."

Isn't that how our minds work? One small thing happens that is out of sync with our normal routine, and BOOM, our minds go crazy! We start thinking about what happened, why it happened, what everyone else is doing and thinking, what we should be doing, and how we should do it. Why do we do that? It's no wonder Paul wrote "Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:5

Have you ever stopped to think about what you think about? Try it! If it's not important, doesn't line up with Christ, or is your typical worry... take that thought and chunk it out of your mind! Replace the thought with PREPLANT - things that are Pure, Right, Excellent, Praiseworthy, Lovely, Admireable, Noble, and True. It might save you some wasted time in the middle of a worship service or a lot of burdensome thoughts that weigh you down!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Relish Your Everys

"Do you sometimes find yourself unconsciously judging your actions by level of importance? For instance, the time you spend with friends is important, but the time you spend with family, is more important. You might rank an hour exercising as very important, thirty minutes visiting a sick friend in the hospital much more important, and a sixty second conversation with a convenience store clerk as not very important at all."
"When you know that everything matters - that every move counts as much as any other - you will begin living a life of permanent purpose."
My mind froze as I read this excerpt from The Butterfly Effect...How Your Life Matters written by Andy Andrews. Do I live a life of permanent purpose? Am I constantly rating the circumstances in my life? When will I realize that every second of my life is designed by God for his purpose and to execute his plan. Every single moment, conversation, thought, action, and activity counts!
We must live our EVERYs with full attention. You know when you haven't eaten your favorite food in a long time, and then you get the opportunity to savor every bite? You smell it, chew slowly, take your time, and relish in the flavor. That's what we have to do!
RELISH our EVERYS!!! Imagine how your life would be different if just for today, you relished your everys... every conversation, every e-mail sent and read, every meeting, every bit of homework, every dish washed, diaper changed, every song heard, every funny word, every disappointment, every heartache, every tear, every problem that you can't fix. Begin today creating a life of permenant purpose by embracing your everys!

Be very careful, then, how you liveā€”not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 1Thess 5:15-16

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Would You Climb a Pine Tree?

Last week my son and I were sitting in the rocking chairs on the front porch waiting for the bus. He noticed all the brown pine needles in the yard and commented, "Mom, I would climb to the top of that pine tree for you and get all the green pine needles."
I was surprised by his statement, and said, "That would be so nice. Tell me why you want to do that."
He responded, "Remember in 3rd grade when I brought you home all those green pine needles from the playground?"
I nodded yes, shuffling through my memory bank trying to remember.
"You said you loved green pine needles and those are your favorite."
I smiled and told him he was the most thoughtful young man and I was the luckiest mom in the world to have him!

As I thought about his words, "I would climb to the top of that pine tree for you," I was reminded of another man who climbed a tree for me. I thought about Jesus' willingness to come to earth from heaven and give up all his glory, live in this imperfect, selfish world, knowing all along that he was going to climb up on a cross beaten and in excrutiating pain just for me.

I was humbled sitting there rocking quietly. The words to an old song echoed through my mind,

"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame.

But I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain."

It was Jesus mission to come to this earth and save you. He willingly laid down his life to call you his own. Have you thought lately about the price he paid for you? Do you know what he gave up to climb up on a tree to prove his love for you? What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life to prove your love for him?

Are You Ready for Some Football

Are you ready for some football? My son is! He thrives on football practices, tackling, hitting, and game time. Each week after my son's football games the coaches receive a recording of the game. The coaches analyze the film to see how players can improve. Today when we were looking at the film with our son, I noticed something. We quickly recognized and responded to the poor plays and said little if anything about the hard hits and great runs. As we were discussing the game, his shoulders began to droop and he became frustrated.

It suddenly dawned on me, how would I feel if someone recorded me all day long and then analyzed and told me every wrong move I made? I probably would want to sock them in the kisser or quit.

This was a great reminder to me that it takes 10 positive comments to offset 1 negative! Are you a person of few negatives and abundant positives? The Bible says, "Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth BUT ONLY WORDS USED TO BUILD OTHERS UP" Eph. 4:29. Check your words. Are they builders or destroyers? Make it a goal to pour 10 positive statements into the lives of those you love this week!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Are You Contagious?

Are you contagious? Not with a cold or swine flu. Contagious means "carrying the causative agent of a contagious disease." Think for a minute about what causative agent you carry. Joy? Faith? Kindness? Encouragment? Positive Outlook? What disease do people get after being around you for 10 minutes?

We are all contagious in one way or another. What about you? What disease are you spreading?Notice how people respond to your conversations. How do people affect their world after being around you for awhile?

Determine today what you want to spread and BE CONTAGIOUS!

Needed: Life Investors

What are you leaving behind? My mother recently showed me several quilts my great-grandmother made. One of them is bright yellow with pink, blue, and green flowers. I love it! It is the cutest quilt ever! If my husband wasn't against bright yellow and and colorful flowers, I would decorate our entire room around this quilt!

Sometimes I wonder if my great-grandmother prayed for the people who curl up under the quilt. Did she know her great grand-daughter would love it and use it daily? Could she have known that 5 generations would enjoy her beautiful creation?

What are we doing daily that will make a lasting impact on those we love? When we are gone, what will our great-grandchildren hold in their hands and hearts that we leave behind?

3 things I want to leave for my great-grandchildren:
1. A deep love of Christ.
2. An attitude of joy and love for others.
3. A sincere and honest passion for icecream, I mean wisdom!!!!

We have a short time on this earth! Many of us aren't quilt makers, but we can be life investors!
Start today investing wisdom, values and morals, and a love for God in others. How? Share tips of wisdom in conversation. When God does something great in your life, tell those you love. Work together with your children or grandchildren to do something kind for someone else. Tell your family and friends, "I love you," and show them by giving them your time!

Decide today what you want to leave behind & make HUGE investments daily!

"With my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." Ps 89:1

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Rejected Recently?

Have you ever been rejected? A girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you as a teen. A boss let you go. A group/clique denied your acceptance. Rejection hurts! It cuts deep into the heart and leaves you feeling worthless.

Tonight I heard a man say, "In this business you have to EMBRACE REJECTION." When I was selling Arbonne, I learned 5 "nos" from potential customers = 1 "yes." Anytime a customer said no, I marked a talley and thought, "I only need 4 more."

As Christians we are guaranteed that God causes all things to work together for good. Our rejections are part of God's plan. My husband worked for Shred-It, a document destruction company for many years. The day he went to bid on the Enron account, I begged for a "yes." If he landed the account, it could mean a GINORMOUS bonus, and that meant cha-ching! My husband got rejected. Enron turned him down and went with someone else. I must confess, I was a little upset with God. Didn't he know how much we could have used that "yes?"

God knew how great that yes would have been, but he knew how much better the no was. When Enron was under investigation and destroyed, I was so thankful for the no! God used the Enron rejection to protect my husband.

When rejection comes, embrace it. Know God is working all things together for good. You may not have to endure 4 rejections before you get the big yes, but EMBRACE the rejections that come.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Play the Glad Game

Have you heard of the Glad Game? When you are down and out, ticked off, or life throws you a curve ball, play the Glad Game. See how many times you can complete the following sentence.
I am glad _____________________________________________!

This week I am glad my husband has a job. I am glad my children have good teachers. I am glad I live in my neighborhood. I am glad I got to go to lunch with a friend today. I am glad it is bedtime!

When you list all the things that make you glad, the worries, anger, and frustrations disappear!
Remember this, too, when you are upset with your spouse or children. List all the things you are glad about them. It really changes your disposition towards life!

"A righteous one can sing and be glad." Proverbs 29:6